Switzerland Tourism has been operating in the UK since 1893. With almost 1.7 million hotel overnights in 2023, the UK is Switzerland’s 3rd most important foreign source market, and 2nd most important in Europe. Hereafter you find the most important market information.


  1. Know the basics
  2. Bi-monthly market update
  3. Localized annual plan 2024

Know the basics

AddressSwitzerland Tourism
20 Red Lion Street
London, WC1R 4PQ
Market ManagerAlex Herrmann, Director UK&Ireland, Head Europe West

Meet the Team

The eleven team members of the UK team work in Central London.

Media & Communications

Fran Lambert, Head of Media & Communications
Selina Staeger, Media & Communications
Project Manager
Diana Vulpe, Trainee Media & Communications / Marketing


Evelyn Lafone, Head of Trade
Chloë Sterren, Trainee Trade


Campaigning and Activations

Simon Henwood, Manager Marketing
Active and Outdoor
Myriam Ziesack, Manager Marketing
Cities, Hotels and Luxury


Reto Konrad, Manager SCIB
Moana Seif, Trainee SCIB


Claudia Schoenbaechler, Head of Administration

Market activities

Last updated: 19/06/2024 by CS

Market update and reporting of finalised activities 2023

Localised annual plan 2024

Last updated: 29/01/2024 by AH

Market Situation

The current political situation in the United Kingdom is rather uncertain. While prime minister Rishi Sunak brought some stability back after a chaotic summer and autumn of 2022, changes in the cabinet are continuing. The UK continues to struggle with some key issues such as economic recovery, immigration as well as labour issues, resulting in frequent strikes in public transport and other sectors. The first general elections since 2019 are expected to be called in the second half of 2024, and it’s widely expected that the Labour party will win a majority and call the next prime minister. The situation in Scotland is rather unstable as well as the former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is involved in multiple scandals, and her successor Humza Yousaf who took over a year ago as the head of the Scottish Government is struggling to unite the Scottish National Party.


The UK continues to struggle with economic recovery. Taxes are highest since World War 2, inflation is still rather high too, and the GBP is weak towards all major currencies, with currently around 1.10 CHF. The fall-out from far-reaching and enduring Covid restrictions and the effects of Brexit continue to take its toll. Even middle-class families are suffering from the ‚cost-of-living crisis‘. House prices and rents continue to increase quickly all over the country. Empty-nesters are generally okay, as they generally own their homes, while younger people are most cost-conscious.

Travel industry

The UK market recovered slower than others, but since 2023 overnights in Switzerland are above pre-Covid times. In short, 2023 was the year of (most of) the Swiss cities, of the Lucerne Region and parts of the Bernese Oberland. What is not visible in the BFS data but hopefully in the upcoming tourism monitor data is the increase of 20 to 25% spend per passenger per trip vs. 2019, which puts the actual revenue from British travellers in Switzerland significantly higher than pre-Covid. The remarkable revival of the travel trade continues after Covid, both tour operators and travel agents are growing and hiring.

Travel behavior

Winter sports are still a major draw for British visitors. While Switzerland is the smallest of the four Alpine countries, Switzerland is the top aspirational Alpine destination for British skiers, together with Canada and Japan.

Due to its limited growth potential during the main travel season (holidays and half term), and expected longer-term effects due to climate change, we’re promoting travel during winter for other reasons as well, such as to visit the Swiss cities, for their Christmas markets and numerous light festivals and carnivals. The popular panoramic trains in the Swiss Alps are mostly also running in the winter and offer a different but also very attractive experience in the Swiss winter wonderland.

Summer in the Alps, not just for outdoor enthusiasts but also families, are becoming a more attractive alternative to the very busy Mediterranean, where guests are increasingly suffering from heat waves and other effects of climate change. ST is leveraging this trend by promoting the family-friendly Swiss Alpine resorts and the accessibility of the mountains.

ST will also continue to promote Autumn in the Swiss Alps as a preferred season – September and particularly October – for outdoor activities, festivals and celebrations around food and wine.


The UK market focuses primarily on the personas Kris, Max and Pat. Find more information about the ST personas here.  

Key Performance Indicators

Final 2023Budget 2024
Bed nights hotels
Turnover Total (CHF)
Growth 2022 – 2023
Campaigning & Activation
·      Top-Marketing Contacts151’457’22090’000’000
·      Qualified Reactions711’190630’000
·      Tracked Sessions on MyS.com per year2’003’4332’000’000
·      Engagement Rate on MyS.com49.2%49.0%
·      Engagement Rate on Social Media0.44%0.44%
·      Top-Coverage articles150150
·      Top-Coverage media contacts807’382’368800’000’000
·      Qualified Interactions with KMM1’0021’000
·      Influenced overnight with tour operators360’453360’000
·      Influenced revenue with tour operators75’695’13075’600’000
·      Specific group and FIT packages281
·      Qualified Interactions with KAM2’5062’500
·      Meetings: RFP’s88110
·      Influenced revenue business events997’3352’664’000
·      Qualified Interactions with business accounts521600
Partner cooperations
·      Investments tourism partners
(growth 2022-2023: +30%)