Switzerland Tourism Italy is based in Milan and Rome. 
With 878’196 generated overnights in 2023, Italy is Switzerland’s 8th biggest source market. Hereafter, you find the most important market information.


  1. Know the basics
  2. Bi-monthly market update
  3. Localized annual plan 2024

Know the basics

AddressSvizzera Turismo
Via Palestro 2
20121 Milano

Svizzera Turismo
Via Nomentana 175
00161 Roma
Market ManagerChristina Gläser
Contact+39 0276391115
LinkedInChristina Gläser

Meet the Team

Switzerland Tourism Italy counts 9 employees and two offices in Milan and Rome.


Federico Jochum, Marketing Manager Italy
Contact+39 0276013202
LinkedIn Profile
Susanne Romani, Marketing & Web Support
Contact+39 0276391115
LinkedIn Profile
Roberta Castellarin, Digital Marketing Manager
Contact+39 0276312859
LinkedIn Profile
Francesca Rovati, Key Media Manager Northern Italy
Contact+39 0276013203
LinekedIn Profile
Valentino Donzelli, Office Manager
Contact+39 0276311221
LinkedIn Profile
Gianna Cagnoni, Trainee
Contact+39 0284540317
LinkedIn Profile


Piccarda Frulli, Key Media Manager Central & Southern Italy
Contact+39 644202498
LinkedIn Profile
Laura Zancolò, Key Account Manager
Contact+39 0644117280
LinkedIn Profile

Research and reports

Market activities

Last updated: 02/02/2024 by FJ

Reporting of finalized activities 2023

Click here for an overview slide for each finalized activity in the past year.

Market Update January-February 2024

Click here for the bi-monthly reporting of the market activities.

Localized annual plan 2024

Last updated: 02/02/2024 by FJ

Market Situation

As the country that has been one of the most affected during the pandemic and with an already a weak economy, 2023 was the year of transition for the Italian market to get back on track. Nevertheless, the light at the tunnel can be seen and the positive growth at the end of 2023 was mainly achieved by the partners, who also invested in the market in the long term.

The year began with the Italy taking over the presidency of G7 from Japan. This could turn out to be one of the main challenges for Italy as the transfer of power comes at a crucial time. With the ongoing national challenges such as slow GDP growth, an immigration crisis and a soft labour market, the global scenario seems bleak. The war between Russia and Ukraine continues while the ongoing Israel-Gaza crisis is further exacerbated by the Red Sea standoff.

With climate disasters becoming more prevalent in the country, the catastrophic floods of 2023 seemed to becoming more common in some parts of Italy. If the trend remains in 2024, it seems that the climate inconsistency of Italy may lead to the country experiencing a series of extreme weather events that will prove hazardous for its socio-economic landscape.


Italy’s financial matters are likely to remain one of the country’s most important issues this year, with its public finances still in a precarious condition. Italy needs more workers for various industries but a drive to increase workers from outside Italy is likely to be held back because of growing far-right influence. 

In its latest forecast, the Bank of Italy estimates gross domestic product (GDP) will slow down further in 2024, down to 0.6% from 0.7% in 2023. Inflation, something that impacts consumers directly and significantly, has toned down a little but is expected to increase once again to above the 2% threshold.

Analysts Fitch Solutions forecasts a slowdown in consumer spending and investment on the previous two years. It expects  GDP growth in 2024 to slow to 0.3%, below an estimate of 0.8%. 

Falling employment levels and slowing wage growth is expected to put further pressure on consumers and their spending. For instance, if we look at the mortgage rate in August 2023, it stood at 4.3%, up from a previous 3%. This inevitably has an adverse effect on consumers‘ disposable income.

Travel industry

With the purchase of Trenitalia as a new key partner and the realization of big campaigns in collaboration with the Brand Ambassador Michelle Hunziker, a historical sales increase of Eurocity tickets was achieved in 2023. In 2024 we will build up on this successful collaboration to rise the popularity of train travel to Switzerland, especially with the younger generation with a higher sensibility on sustainability and budget.

Another key target remains the luxury segment which we approach with several cross-marketing activities in with lifestyle, fashion, design, art, etc. brands and institutions to position the awareness of Switzerland and inspire future guests in emotional and unique contexts.

The two different strategies allows us to promote a diverse Switzerland, pushing the diversity of guests and increasing the interest of key partners with their diversity of products and interests in the market.

Travel behavior

“Viaggiare, il sogno di tutti – Travelling, everyone’s dream!”

Despite the general rise in prices and the difficult international situation, travel will remain a priority for Italians in 2024.

31% of people declared their intention to save in the last months of 2023 in order to take a trip the following year. And 29% said that, even though the cost of living has increased, being able to travel will remain a significant activity within their budget.

In fact, there are over 6 out of 10 people who will opt for a holiday abroad; in particular, 38% will choose Europe while 29% a non-European destination. Only 1 Italian out of 10 will remain in Italy. The number of travelers pushed abroad is still increasing, exceeding even 7 out of 10, for younger generational cohorts like Gen Z and Millennial.

Another trend that emerges is the propensity towards „micro-cations“, or short-term holidays. The micro-holidays depopulate especially among the Baby Boomers, so much so that they are chosen by 8 people out of 10. 28%, on the contrary, will prefer to make less trips but opting for a longer duration.

The opportunity to live out of the ordinary experiences during their holidays is a priority for travelers, so much so that 7 out of 10 respondents claim to add them to their schedule. More than half, specifically, choose them to immerse themselves in local culture.

As a result of the constant increase in temperatures that, in particular in summer, makes it increasingly difficult to visit some destinations, those who will opt to travel out of season are increasing (44%). 


The Italian market focuses primarily on the personas Max and Kris. Find more information about the personas here.  

Key Performance Indicators

Final 2023Budget 2024
Bed nights hotels878’196n/a
Turnover Total (CHF)xxx Mio.n/a
Growth 2022 – 2023+7.6%
Campaigning & Activation*
·      Top-Marketing Contacts344’971’739150’000’000
·      Qualified reactions568’964510’000
·      Tracked Sessions on MyS.com per year3’462’2703’400’000
·      Engagement Rate on MyS.com53,0%53,0%
·      Engagement Rate on Social Media0,31%0,31%
Media work (KMM)*
·      Top-Coverage articles133130
·      Top-Coverage media contacts71’240’21870’000’000
·      Qualified Interactions with KMM1’4311’400
Trade (KAM)*
·      Influenced overnight with tour operators64’58065’000
·      Influenced revenue with tour operators10’978’60011’050’000
·      Specific group and FIT packages120n/a
·      Qualified Interactions with KAM71150
Partner cooperations
·      Investments tourism partners987’250n/a